New HeinOnline library State Statutes: A Historical Archive

Title page from Laws of the State of New York (1792)
Title page from Laws of the State of New York (1792)

University of Chicago users now have access to HeinOnline’s newest collection State Statutes: A Historical Archive, which includes more than 1,600 volumes and nearly 2 million pages of historical superseded state statutes. Coverage goes back to as early as 1717! For the state of Illinois, the earliest publication included is the Laws of the Territory of Illinois from 1815, which predates its admission to the Union, and extends through the Revised Statutes of the State of Illinois from 1931. 

This collection is a valuable complement to HeinOnline’s existing collection of state session laws. As with all of HeinOnline’s collections, the historical state statutes can be browsed and searched in a number of different ways, including full text.