New online resource: ProQuest Legislative Insight

We are happy to announce that the Library now has access to ProQuest Legislative Insight, a research tool for federal legislative history research. It brings together various legislative history documents for federal laws passed since 1929, including the public law, all bill versions, floor debate from the Congressional Record, committee reports, committee hearings, presidential signing statements, CRS reports, and other miscellaneous congressional publications. All documents are full-text, searchable PDFs. In addition to searching by keyword and popular name, users can search Legislative Insight by Public Law Number, Statutes at Large citation, or enacted bill number.

Once you select the appropriate law, you can keyword search within the full text of all the related documents to find specific words or phrases. Search results can be displayed by publication type or by date. Legislative Insight also includes the Legislative Process outline, which allows you to choose only those documents created during a given phase of the legislative process.