New online resource: Investment Arbitration Reporter

The D’Angelo Law Library now has a subscription to the Investment Arbitration Reporter. The IAReporter is a news and analysis service covering legal developments and policy trends in investment treaty arbitration. It also provides access to selected source documents such as pleadings, decisions, and arbitral awards. The IAReporter site has profiles of arbitrators active in the field of investor-state arbitration. You can sign up for email alerts. The IAReporter is one of the best ways to get the latest news and documents for your research.

You can browse investment arbitration news headlines by date/in chrono order or by theme: Countries/Regions (Argentina, Central/Eastern Europe, CIS & Ukraine, India, Intra-European Union, Venezuela); Forums/Processes (ICC, ICSID, SCC, UNCITRAL, Ad-Hoc); Hot Topics (e.g. Amicus Curiae Interventions, Environmental Disputes, Human Rights and Investment Law, Land Reform Disputes); Industries (Energy, Mining, Telecoms, Transportation); Major Treaties (CAFTA, Energy Charter Treaty, NAFTA).

[Note that you also have access to the Investor-State Law Guide  (ISLG) via the Law Library subscription. Click on the “Login” button on the upper right-hand corner to start your research.]