New database: Oxford Scholarly Authorities on International Law

You now have access to online book-length commentary on the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties, ICSID, CEDAW, WTO Agreements, TRIPs, the 1951 Refugees Convention, the Convention Against Torture,  and  the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court via the D’Angelo Law Library’s newest database subscription – Oxford Scholarly Authorities on International Law

The OSAIL contains “full-text online editions of market-leading reference works and treatises published by Oxford University Press. Books  such as Oppenheim, our Oxford Handbooks in international law, and the Oxford Commentaries on International Law are made available online for the first time, fully searchable and linked by the Oxford Law Citator.”  Rosalyn Higgins’ Problems and Process:  International Law and How We Use It as well as Satow’s Diplomatic Practice (6th ed.) are also in OSAIL.